• FR
  • Protégez-vous Magazine: feature on local buying

    Every month for quite some time now, Protégez-Vous magazine offers advice in the form of advised counsel. Unrestricted by any commercial influence because they are supported by subscribers, the experts carry out dozens of tests, on thousands of products, in specialized labs. Moreover, they conduct exhaustive surveys and lead independent enquiries that allow the best consumer options to stand out.

    Protégez-Vous, is a non-profit organization with an audience of 435 000 citizens who subscribe to its publications, newsletters and social streams. The team’s guiding principle is to help consumers choose wisely, at each phase and in every sphere of their lives, while saving time and money.

    In April, the magazine put the spotlight on purchasing “locally-made goods”. Naturally, the “Bien fait ici | Well Made Here” program, an initiative brought about by AQMAT and partner organizations are the central focus of the report.

    In a perfect coincidence, the report in Protégez-Vous magazine was published the same day as the start of the promotional campaign for “Bien fait ici | Well Made Here”. We couldn’t have asked for better timing! Read the report here (available in French only). You can also sign up for their publications if you wish!