• FR
  • Richard Darveau oversees the organization

    After having voluntarily initiated the “Well Made Here” program two years ago, Richard Darveau, the president and CEO of the Quebec Hardware and Building Supply Association (AQMAT) observed that the program required executive management. It is with this in mind that the board of directors of AQMAT, at its January 20th meeting, then the board of directors of the pan-Canadian “Well Made Here” organization, at its February 12th meeting, agreed to sign mirror agreements with Mr. Darveau in order for both to benefit from his services in a fifty-fifty split for the years to come.

    Richard Darveau oversees the “Well Made Here” program as of February 1, 2021 on a part-time basis with the other half of his time remaining linked to AQMAT business.

    For the AQMAT, in order not to impact current affairs too significantly, a vast “empowerment” initiative has begun whereby the permanent employees are adopting greater responsibility for the business untis they manage.

    For “Well Made Here”, the situation is different: for the first time, the “start-up” will benefit from more directed leadership through the formalization of Mr. Darveau’s role as CEO.

    The “Well Made Here” team is comprised of the following resources:

    Richard Darveau, Chief Executive Officer

    • Human Resource Management, Finance and Logistics
    • Spokesperson, external audiences
    • Business Development

    Célie Cournoyer, Director of Operations

    • Support for participating manufacturers
    • Liaison for partner banners
    • Webmaster

    Jasmine Sylvère, Senior Advisor – Promotion & Advertising

    • Sollicitation, non participating manufacturers
    • Promotion opportunities for participating manufacturers

    Coordinator – Communications & Marketing (vacant)

    • Media placement activities
    • Events
    • Liaison with building contractors and their associations

    Expert in IT and Web Technologies (vacant)

    • Continuous improvement for the online catalogue of accredited products
    • Lead for piloting the « Marketplace » project


    We remind you that the pan-Canadian organization’s mission is to promote the purchase of quality hardware items and construction materials manufactured in plants across the country and which meet the standards and building codes in effect.