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  • Promoting oneself as a Canadian manufacturer: advantageous here and around the world

    Regarding the “Well Made Here” accreditation, all indications show that it is advantageous to integrate the logo into the packaging regardless of the market where the product will be sold, and with point of purchase material used throughout the retail networks across the country.

    The media are increasingly exposing that the quality of Canadian-made products attracts not only Canadians, but consumers around the world.

    Here are some market studies and articles that demonstrate this strong trend.

    International consumers want Canadian goods PwC finds

    According to a recent report by the consulting firm PwC, Canadian brands would benefit from taking advantage of foreign markets. A survey was conducted among 3,521 consumers in seven key countries – Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico and the United Kingdom – about their perception of Canada and of Canadian brands and products.

    PwC Study – Made Canada 2019 (PDF)


    Canada, a powerful brand according to BDC
    Canadians are increasingly willing to buy local, even if they have to pay more, according to a new poll for BCC. This still little-known trend should encourage more entrepreneurs to play the maple leaf.

    Not to mention that products made in Canada have an excellent reputation internationally, which many companies can take advantage of to start exporting or increase their international expansion.

    Study – Conducted for BCC (May 2019) – (Web Article)

    Buy Canadian recognized around the world
    While globalization is in full swing and people are traveling more than ever, there is a parallel trend that calls for a need to know where products originate. An in so doing, Canada clearly stands out. That is why the timing of the “Bien fait ici | Well Made Here” program couldn’t be better; not only to stimulate the sale of domestic products, but also to support the sale of Canadian made products in external markets.

    Statista Study – « Made in » country index ranking (Web – Infographic 2017)


    Canadians are keen to support local small businesses: RBC Poll

    In fact, according to the 2017 RBC Small Business poll*, 88 per cent of Canadians will choose to support a local business when possible, and 57 per cent say they would pay more for a product or service that is offered by a local business. In addition, today’s consumer is demanding more payment choice and opportunities to engage online and through social media.

    * The RBC Small Business Poll was conducted by Ipsos Group S.A. from July 13 - 17, 2017.


    The residential owner and the building contractor choose what’s best if he or she can access objective information as long as the price remains reasonable.